Absolutely! Law in and of itself is a fluid entity and it's constantly evolving. This country was founded on principles that differed from the laws in place during the American Revolution... and without revolution, some things in this world would never change.
The story of the Sea Shepherd is an amazing example of how action, some legal, some not, can often force change. This situation is somewhat complicated by the differences in laws between separate nations that share the same oceans. In addition, maritime law may not be the same as the laws in this country; or more importantly, they may conflict with deeper held beliefs, such as the ideals of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.
Many may not agree with the tactics of the Sea Shepherd. Some say the law is the law and should never be broken. But the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is not a violent organization hell-bent on breaking laws. Their goal is not too hurt or harm anyone-- in fact, they are trying to preserve life-- and end the senseless killing of marine animals that is often a result of illegal fishing practices.
I applaud the efforts of the Sea Shepherd and any other group or individual who takes a stand for what they believe in. It is one thing to have strong convictions that differ from written law...it is another, to take action. There are acts committed every day that are unethical, but not illegal. To those people, I say shame on you. To the crew of the Sea Shepherd, I say thank you...