Monday, January 25, 2010

Stay Diligent Mr. President

A year has passed since Barack Obama became our nation's 44th President, entering office on the promises of hope and change.

Fulfilling those promises would not be easy-- the President inherited a crumbling economy, a broken health care system, and a tumultuous military situation in the Middle East.

In spite of partisan opposition and even challenges within his own party, the President has worked diligently to try and resolve those issues.

One year into his term, the President has signed off on legislation to stimulate the economy, prevent Americans from losing their homes, and hold banks and other money institutions responsible for reckless business practices.

He has continued pushing his plan for health care reform, possibly the greatest challenge of any administration in the history of American government.

And in December he announced that America was shifting its war on terror, telling graduates at a West Point commencement ceremony that we would be deploying 30,000 more soldiers to Afghanistan.

Say what you will about the President's first year in office, but one thing is for sure: he has run from no one.

Fulfilling his promise of a “Transparent Presidency,” Obama uses Internet technologies to communicate on important issues such as the environment, education, homeland security and immigration.

The President has a Twitter account (he currently has over 3.2 million followers) and there is even a new White House application for cell phones, bringing the latest news from the administration right to the palm of your hand.

And he continues to encourage healthy debate on important issues, not just in Congress, but at town hall meetings across America.

Rome was not built in a day, as the old adage goes... and America cannot be rebuilt in a single year.

Stay diligent Mr. President.


  1. It's true for this year he's been pretty firm, but I fear that he may start to buckle under the pressure soon. A few statements he's made recently have gotten my attention.
    When talks about circumstances that he wasn't aware of before but can't go into detail about . . .when he sent more troops to Iraq and such . . . it seems an eerie echo of Bushism to me.
    I hope he does stay strong though. I'd really like to see him at full potential just to see what he is really made of.

  2. Try to incorporate more hyperlinks.
